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Web Hosting

Let me become your web host tech support instead of a faceless corporate company that won’t even look into a problem unless they know for sure it’s a hosting problem.

I am an official web hosting reseller with HostGator. This means I pay them a flat rate for a ridiculously large amount of hosting space and then it’s up to me to essentially rent out that space to my clients for whatever price. This allows me to have more control over the hosting environment, like allotting more disk space and bandwidth to sites that may need it.


$8 per month, forever

When I say forever, I mean no hidden renewal rates or fees, no promotional “first term” prices, nada. Just a flat, monthly fee.

Because I’m a small business, you can set your own payment schedule be it monthly, annually, or something else. Just as all the cool data plans and phone carriers are doing these days, no long-term commitment is necessary!

You can cancel anytime via email. If you do cancel, I won’t just delete your data like some heartless corporation. I value my customers, even if their decision is to leave me, so I’d send you all of your data before removing it from my servers.

This price may change with inflation. Web hosting is not a taxable service.

Technical Specs

For each domain you host with me:

  • Up to three (3) subdomains
  • Up to ten (10) email accounts
  • Free, unlimited email aliases
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free WordPress installation (if desired)
  • Up to ten (10) FTP accounts
  • 99.9% up-time guarantee (and I monitor it!)
  • 3GB of disk space/storage (most websites are less than 1GB)
  • 3GB of monthly bandwidth (most hosts list this as “unmetered” with conditions in their terms of service, as a reseller of HostGator, this one applies to us and I’m just upfront about it)

Host with AuRise

Ready to get started? Just fill out this form! I’ll contact you shortly to confirm the details and payment schedule and methods.

    About You

    About your Website

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

    Still Thinking?

    My hosting package may not be for you and that’s okay! I still want to help because your success makes me happy. I maintain these resources to help people like you make educated decisions in the best interest of your company or organization.

    Email Accounts

    Email addresses tied to your domain name like can be supplied by your web host provider. If you host with me, this is included.

    Bluehost and GoDaddy do not include email accounts, but you can bundle their packages with Microsoft Office 365 or purchase your own professional email subscription like Google Workspace. If your industry requires specific security requirements or you intend on migrating to a different host, or you just like those services, you can purchase those subscriptions and continue to use them with my hosting anyway.

    If you love using free Gmail and don’t have the budget for a professional subscription plan, I’ve got instructions to help you set up your Gmail account to both send and receive emails from your included email accounts provided by me!


    You’ve probably noticed that I compared my one and only web hosting plan to the smallest plans that my competitors offer and that I do not offer a larger plan. This is on purpose. I exclusively offer web hosting for companies that are just starting out or have a small website and want to support my small business in return.

    If your company is growing and you find yourself looking for digital marketing packages that include services like paid search, social media management, and content creation, that is fantastic! I currently do not provide those services but I am happy that I was able to help you when you needed it. Not everyone stays with me forever and here are some of my graduated clients!