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Frequently Asked Questions

    What platforms are supported?

    Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, email, and copying to clipboard (for sites with SSL enabled) are supported.

    Can I change the name of the campaign?

    Yes! You can change the name of the campaign, or the value of utm_campaign, from the plugin settings page.

    Can I change the vanity URL?

    Yes! When a new post is created, a random string will be generated for that post, but you can edit it to be whatever you want. However, it will be suffixed with a dash and a character to recognize the platform and map it to the correct campaign parameters.

    Please note that if you change vanity URLs after they’ve been shared, those old links will no longer work and lead to a 404 page.

    Does this affect my page’s URL, permalink, or canonical URL?

    No. This won’t have any effect on your page’s URL, permalink, permalink settings, or canonical URL. The vanity URL is simply another way of getting to your page but with the added Google campaign parameters automatically added. This plugin does not create any new pages, only redirects, so there won’t be any duplicate content issues.

    Does this affect my page’s SEO or “page rank”?

    It will not harm your page’s SEO. Since the vanity URLs redirect using 301 permanent redirects, the “page rank” is transferred to your original page, preserving your SEO value.

    Does this affect my site’s domain authority?

    Yes, but in a good way! Using a URL shortener service like or TinyURL gets a miniscule amount of “domain authority” when pages are redirected through their domains since it is ultimately their URL that gets shared on other websites. You actually gain this bonus back when it is your domain that gets shared instead.

    How does it choose an image to share on Pinterest?

    If there is an image in the content of your article, it will find the first one and use that. Otherwise, it will fall back to using the featured image. If no image is associated with the article, then Pinterest will display all of the images found on the page, allowing the user to select which they want to use.

    What icons can I use?

    You can choose between lossless PNG images, Font Awesome 5 icons, or English text. The HTML is also simple so you can easily change the appearance with CSS.

    Is this compatible with Yoast SEO?

    Yes! If you leave the “Campaign Term” blank in the metabox on your page, the utm_term value will default to your page’s “focus keyphrase” in Yoast SEO’s metabox.

    I’m a developer and I want to contribute!

    That’s awesome, thank you! The source code is available on GitHub here.